Help me grow!
- I am easy to care for and will bloom with beautiful pink flowers year-round under the right conditions.
- I love the warmth and can survive temperatures above 10 degrees Celcius. I cannot survive frost.
- Bright direct light suits me best. Keep me on a sunny balcony or in the garden outdoors.
- Water me about 2-3 times a week just enough to keep my topsoil damp. Make sure my roots are not waterlogged.
- Fertilize me once a month with a special fertilizer to help my flowers bloom.
- Repot me annually as my roots need space and they will outgrow the existing pot in about a year.
- My Adenium Pink Plant are not looking their best. What could be the problem?
Yellowing leaves indicate you are overwatering me. Move me to a sunnier spot and stop watering me for some time. When the leaves of the entire plant gradually start turning yellow it could indicate too much sunlight. Move me to a spot with less direct sunlight (but still bright enough) and I will grow new green leaves. - I can see small bugs on myAdenium Pink Plant. How do I handle them?
Spider mites are my enemy. Since I am a dessert plant that can tolerate dryness, I am the perfect spot for spider mites to thrive. populations to grow and expand. Remove the damaged yellow leaves and gently wipe down the plant. You can also remove the topsoil and replace it with fresh soil and fertilizer mix.
Adenium Pink Plant
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